Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Great Wall of China.

Today I was able to experience the Great Wall! It was seriously the craziest thing! I wish upon everyone that they will someday get a chance to climb one of the 7 Wonders of the World.

Now I'll unload on you with pictures because I feel like it's the right thing to do :)

 And this is the Beginning of Tiananmen Square all over again…  haha I have no idea why I wasn't expecting people to want to take pictures with me on the Great Wall, but boy was I wrong! I literally felt like a celebrity, and I think that some people actually thought I was.

Her fur coat though. hahaha ^^^

Asians yelling in Chinese, "Do Titanic to the American!!"
Then it got weird…

Just cracking up like I do best.

Ninjas are real everyone.

entertaining people for a living.

They love the peace sign!

 They seriously love touching us

Hi mom! I'm famous!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha. Love all the pictures! Pictures are always the right thing. :) What an amazing experience!
