Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I just don't understand

I wish I could keep track of how many times the phrase "I don't understand" comes out of my mouth each day. Nothing the Chinese do makes sense to me! I'm sorry, but they are just plain weird and do the most unnecessary things constantly. I wish I could go up and explain to them that if they did something differently their lives would be so much easier! But what do I know? I'm only from Utah. Maybe you guys can help me understand what's going on?

I Just Don't Understand
  • Hi, Merry Christmas everyone even though we don't know what a Christian is! 

  • Why was the mall only playing Justin Bieber today? They can't even understand the lyrics because it's in English.
  • If two girls are walking together why do they have to be all over each other? This whole linking arms and holding hands with my host mom is getting very old considering I am not an affectionate person. 
  • Uh, I understand you're friends and all but why do you have to match outfits everywhere you go?
  • Why does literally everything have to be cooked in oil?
  • Can't I just drink some ice cold water for a change? This hot water thing isn't pleasing my migraines. 
  • Do girls not do sports here? Because every time I've gone to the soccer field there are only boys and all of their girlfriends stand on the track and watch them. This doesn't help my case of "stop staring at me" since I'm the only girl on the field. Oh and I'm blonde. 
  • Hi can we please refrigerate this kind of stuff? The reason I won't eat sushi here… 

  • I've seen these "rules" posted all over the place at restaurants for their works so why have I never experienced any of them?

  • The movie Fast and Furious is cool and all but do we really have to try and swerve in front of every single car for no reason? These little lines in the road are there for a reason. This road has 3 lanes, not five. And just because it's a red light, it doesn't give you a good reason to leave your car and go get stuff done while you wait for it to turn green.
  • How am I supposed to know if it fits me if I can't try it on or even touch it? I've seen so many signs at stores that say "Do not touch."
  • Were you never taught that staring is rude?
  • okay I'm sorry that I'm about to tell you this but I just have to…. so I keep seeing people with an extremely long and sharp pinkie fingernail and of course it makes me curious why. It ends up that they use it to clean the earwax out of their ears….. ewww, just ew. I need to start bringing around Q-tips and handing them to anyone with a long pinkie fingernail. 
  • Why are you forming this line while waiting for the subway if when the train doors open you all just run and it becomes every man for himself?
  • Why is this even legal? 

  • I don't think it's necessary to yell at each other all the time but that's just me…
  • Do we have to eat ducks because I feel like they're just meant for feeding at parks with little children.
  • The oven mitt look is cute and all but have you ever heard of gloves?

If anyone is able to help me find answers that would be much appreciated!


1 comment:

  1. no answers here. i'm completely baffled right along with you. :) funny list!
